Interpretation of Results
This page shows the key information of OkayFace on how to interpret the results.
Explanation of Result (integrating with OkayLive)
confidence (OkayFace)
Test passes if more than 75 (recommended threshold)
probability (OkayLive)
Probability of liveness
score (OkayLive)
Linear liveness score: bigger value means more alive
quality (OkayLive)
Quality value
error (OkayFace & OkayLive)
Error message from the server
The confidence Score of OkayFace will starts to decrease if the age gap of ID card portrait and the selfie of OkayFace is more than 10 years.
Probability of liveness is a main response of the system.
The image is accepted as "live" when a probability is bigger than 0.5.
Linear liveness score can be used for BPCER / APCER tuning.
The range of score is (ln 1e-7, -ln 1e-7).
Quality value is a probability of "appropriate image".
Probability can be lower than 0.5 by the reasons below.
Face minimal side is less than 180 pix or distance between eyes is less than 90 pix.
Face out-of-plane rotation is bigger than 20 degrees.
The distance between face and camera is very small, so the face can be significantly distorted.
The luminous power is insufficient.
High motion or gaussian blur rate or light shot.
We highly advise to analyze quality value and reject inappropriate images.
Last updated
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