Development Guide (Document Capture)

This page contains the information of Usage, Configuration, Result of OkayCam for Android, iOS and React-native in Document Capture


For Android, the Camera can be launched by invoking the start method on OkayCameraActivity with context, license key, config and callback method as follow:

  • A License Key is required to start the SDK.

OkayCamDoc.start(this,license_key, config) {
success, images, exception -> 
    // do something with the result 


  • The configuration object is optional if is calling from Kotlin.

  • The configuration object can be created and can be customized as the code below:

val config = OkayCamConfig.init(this)
config.topLabel.text = "Top Label"

List of Possible Configurations

This is a complete list of possible configurations that has been provided to the user to make any custom configuration:

If there is no value is set for properties, default values will be implied.

Result Callback

  • After the image is capture or cancelled by the user, the callback method will be called.

  • Result callback has 3 parameters as follow:

Base64 Conversion

import com.innov8tif.okaycam.utils.BitmapUtils;

String result = BitmapUtils.INSTANCE.convertToBase64(image);

User Interface Example

The OkayCam contains two different user interface, one will be with flash and another one without flash. The only difference between these two user interfaces is one contains a timer (with flash) and the other one does not contain a timer (without flash) on the screen.

Example 1 (without flash):

Example 2 (with flash):

Example 3 (with frame content):

OkayCam Demo Preview

Last updated