Error Lists

This page contains all of the error messages for OkayFace and OkayFace intergrating with OkayLive.

General OkayFace Error Lists



Error in processing


Maximum API call hit


Wrong apiKey


Missing apiKey

MISSING_ARGUMENTS: imageIdCard or imageBest

Missing imageIdCard/imageBest


imageIdCard/imageBest's file size more than 3MB

Photo format error

Invalid imageIdCard/imageBest Format(Support:jpg、jpeg、png)


Invalid imageIdCard/imageBest has no face detected

OkayFace & OkayLive Error Lists

Error Message
Error Code

Absolute face size is too small


Face is too far away from the camera. Please make sure that your face is closer to the camera.

Face is cropped


Face is partially missing from the frame. Please make sure your face fit into the camera frame or in the center.

Face is occluded


Face is partially blocked by object. Please make sure that your face is free of masks or any other object.

Face is too close to one or more borders


Face is too close or shifted away from the center of the camera. Please make sure that your face is further away and at the center of the camera.

Face is too close to the camera


Face is too close to the camera. Please make sure to move your face further away from the camera.

Facial out-of-plane rotation angle is extremely large


Face is not facing towards the camera. Please adjust your face straight facing the camera.

Failed to detect face


Face is not detected. Please make sure your face is present in the camera frame.

Interpupillary distance is too small


Facial area is not big enough for analysis. The distance of the face too far that cause the eye distances too close to each others. Please move closer to the camera.

Relative face size is too small


Face is too small to be detected. The face size is below the minimum requirement, please make sure the your face is closer to the camera.

Too many faces detected


More than 1 face present in the camera. Please make sure that there is no more than one face present in the camera.



The image being sent is too large, please make sure that the image is within the requirement image size

MISSING_ARGUMENTS: imageIdCard or imageBest

MISSING_ARGUMENTS: imageIdCard or imageBest

The image parameter is missing. Please make sure the image is submitted when API is called.

Data field is compulsory.


Please check your parameter again before calling the API.

Sample Responses

Face not found in imageBest/imageBestBase64
    "status": "error",
    "message": "FACE_NOT_FOUND"
imageBest or imageIdCard's file size > 3mb
    "status": "error",
    "message": "PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE"

Last updated

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