Face Query

This Face Query API contains the information of Face Query on searching any existing face image in the database.

API Method


POST https://okaydocdemo.innov8tif.com/ekyc/api/innov-face/facequery/query

This API enables the querying and match the facial image in database to check for existence

Request Body

When image is found in the group (database table):

Response Code Block
    "status": "success",
    "resultFound": true,
    "groupFound": true,
    "name": "zhiyan",
    "score": 0.0}

When group does exists but cannot find similar face:

Response Code Block
    "status": "success",
    "resultFound": false,
    "groupFound": true

When group does not exist:

Response Code Block
    "status": "success",
    "resultFound": false,
    "groupFound": false

When there is no face detected in the submitted image file:

Response Code Block
    "status": "error",
    "message": "There is No Face Detected in Image",
    "resultFound": false,
    "groupFound": false

Last updated