Installation Guide

Android Installation Guide

In Android, the first step of the installation for OkayCam is to include the following dependencies in the project-level build.gradle file. The build.gradle file will need to make some changes as follow below:

allprojects {
    repositories {

Include the following dependencies in the app-level build.gradle file as shown below:

Note: Please make sure the SDK version tally with the provided license key.

    implementation 'com.innov8tif.okaycam:OkayCam:1.1.12'

After adding the code, sync the project with gradle files to make sure all of the dependencies are successfully installed.

For Android versions, we are actively published to Maven Repository. User can keep track of the version using the site.

Starting Camera

  • Camera can be launched by invoking start method on OkayCamDoc with context,config and callback method as follow

  • config object is optional if you call from Kotlin (refer to Configuration for more info)

  • after the image is captured or the user cancel, the callback method will be called (refer result)

OkayCamDoc.start(this,LICENSE_KEY, config) { success, images, exception ->
    // do something with the result

Please be aware of the codes and commands above are case sensitive.

Last updated